Tuesday, December 9, 2008

WII would like to play!

Cameron and Zayn were up playing WII at 10:30 Saturday night. Cam was golfing and I think I have another Tiger Woods on my hands!!;) After they golfed, they bowled, and Kenzie actually woke up for that one. Apparently she's a little bowling shark at her grandma and grandpa's!
We had a grand old time at the Davis house that night!

A New Season Has Begun!

Taylor and Nayeli

Cheyenne had her first game of the volleyball season on Wed. They played against Shepard, which is a hard team to beat. Needless to say, they lost, but not for lack of trying. They were only a few points behind each game.

I once heard...It's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.
Good job girls, keep it up!

Gingerbread Houses

The Carreiro Girls and their Candy Land.

Rissa and her beautiful house.

Stephanie and Laura and their Mansion

Kristina was So proud of her house!

Brenda before her house was decorated.
For mutual on Tuesday night, we decorated gingerbread houses. All the girls (and some leaders) did a wonderful job!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I Hate Nights Like This!

Ok, so last night I was in bed asleep by 10:00. It was great! I woke up at 2:30 this morning WIDE AWAKE!!! I have no idea why. I closed all the bedroom doors and decided to go through my scrapbook stuff...again, I have no idea why! About 4:30 Cameron gets up and decides he wants to "nuggle". I told him we would for just a few minutes and then he HAS to go back to bed. We laid on the chaise and snuggled for a little bit when Brett walks in. I just KNEW that would be it for him (my early bird). He must not have seen me when he walked out or was still just asleep because he said, "Mom told us not to turn the tree on! Mom said don't touch the tree!" I told him it was ok that I turned it on, and he just kept saying we weren't supposed to touch the tree. I finally told him to go back to bed... and he said, "ok" and walked back down the hall. (At least I know he heard me about the tree, right?) Anyway, I went back to bed about 5:00 and couldn't fall asleep (isn't that the way it goes?) until about 5:45. And of course, the alarm goes off at 6:40. (Boy, I better get a nap today!!!)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Here are my adorable kids after the tree is decorated...don't they look happy?!
They were taking great care to place them exactly in the right place.

Every year for the first Family Home Evening after Thanksgiving, we put up and decorate the tree. My kids get an ornament every year that represents what they like. It is fun to go back after several years and see the things they've outgrown.