Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Joys of November

Ok, it has only been less than a week since I blogged, but so much has happened! Last Wednesday, (the day beforeThanksgiving) the Baywood Ward Young Women had their annual bake sale at the Scout's Turkey Pit. I woke up Wed. morning and it started raining as soon as the kids left for school...great! Michelle and I had already talked about borrowing canopies from ward members...(Thank You!!!). We showed up at the turkey pit at about 4:30 and it started sprinkling soon after. After a little bit it started to downpour. Thanks girls for staying put and helping out!! Also a great big Thank You to all the wonderful members of the Baywood Ward for making our bake sale a great success!!! We raised a whopping $453.11 to go towards Girl's Camp!!!

The next day it was Thanksgiving. We had our bake sale that day, too. Just as we were packing up to go home, it started to rain again. (Whew! missed that one!) After we went home, we put a movie on for the kids and I started making my sweet potato casserole. I then went into the bedroom and immediately fell asleep...(Thanks honey!!) We left for my in-laws shortly after and had a quiet little Thanksgiving with the GOOD CHINA!! That never happens when you get my husband's fam together. It is normally too large, but it was only my little fam and Aaron's Mom and Dad and Sister Jennifer. It was a nice Thanksgiving.

The next morning, Jennifer and I started out Black Friday shopping at 4:15. We went to Sam's Club and it was Great!! I think that will be an every Black Friday tradition. We got there, and stood in line about 30 minutes. We then went in, leisurely shopping and enjoying ourselves and then they treated us to a complimentary breakfast. (Great way to start the day!!) Then we went to Wal-Mart. I found almost everything I was looking for and NO LINES!!! It was an awesome shopping day!!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

You are one BRAVE woman! I don't think I have ever shopped on Black Friday! Maybe I should next year! Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!