Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tug at the Heartstrings

Yesterday, I was reading an email from Erika. It was about Propostion 8 in California and about all the protesters and such. I was reading along and I came to a picture of some drawing on the Main Entrance sign of the Temple. I thought, "How in the world can people do such a thing to The House of The Lord?" A little while later Cameron came in and asked what the next picture was. I told him it was someone drawing on the Temple. He looked at me and asked, " Mom, why are they doing that? Don't they know that breaks Heavenly Father's heart?" I just about broke down and started crying. Here is this precious little child of God and he understands so much. I am so grateful for my children and the knowledge of the gospel that they have. I am grateful that they understand so much more than I did at their age. I know they have to be smarter in this day and age because of all they will have to deal with...but I am so glad they are mine!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah kids defiently put things in perpective. I just think of how good I had it growing up & am scared to think what they will have to face. I know they are strong kids & pray everyday that I'm doing something right so they can handle anything that comes their way. Thank heaven for children!

The Starks' said...

I saw this same email yesterday, and it was heartbreaking to see what is allowed to happen. Isn't it nice when our kids show us how much they really do understand. Now wonder we are supposed to become like them!!

Jann said...

What a smart boy. It is amazing how much knowledge they have at such a young age.